Pipe Insulation Do-it-Yourself Guide

Pipe insulation is essential for piping systems’ performance and long service life. Some shady contractors wishing to cut corners to keep the bottom line low for their clients will often leave out these options. So, this guide will give you detailed and simple DIY pipe insulation to ensure the safety of your home.

So it is often these kinds of additions that homeowners will want to consider doing themselves. Pipes and ductwork need insulation just as much as your exterior walls do.

Poorly insulated ductwork can lose heat, reduce air conditioner efficiency and cost you money in heating and cooling bills. Not to mention that if they freeze and burst, those repair bills are often astronomically high. Un-insulated pipes usually sweat, leave watermarks and make your water heater work overtime.

Pipe insulation is required in areas where there is the potential for pipes to freeze and burst. But even in the southeast, where I live, we have days and nights below freezing and people’s pipes burst.

The cost of pipe insulation is small relative to the damages when a pipe breaks. While it is obvious that outdoor pipes (under the porch, etc.) must be insulated properly, other pipes can still freeze even if they run in a temperature-regulated part of the house.

If the electricity goes out for several hours, or you go on vacation and don’t expect the temperature to drop as much as it does, you may return to a huge mess. Proper pipe insulation can reduce, if not eliminate, the chance of your pipes freezing.

Insulation has a tremendous impact on your home’s energy use. With rising energy costs and environmental concerns, it is becoming even more important to pay attention to how you consume energy.

Proper pipe insulation improves the thermal efficiency of your home, limiting heat transfer and providing a moisture barrier against moisture. Proper materials also eliminate condensation formation, accelerating pipe deterioration.

DIY Pipe Insulation

Fortunately, insulating your pipes is a simple home improvement job that even someone like me can do.

To insulate your pipes, you will need:

  • Pipe insulation
  • Duct tape
  • Rag
  • Mild cleanser
  • Scissors
  • Utility knife
  • Mask
  • Gloves
  • Safety goggles

Pipe Insulation Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Begin by removing any dirt or grease from the pipes with a rag and mild cleanser. Make sure you allow the pipelines to dry thoroughly before installing.
  2. Choose the insulation materials. Foam, foil or fibreglass insulation can be wrapped around the pipe with a 1/2″ overlap. Secure each end of the insulation with duct tape. If you are working with Fiberglass insulation, be sure to wear safety goggles and gloves.
  3. Make sure to cover the entire pipe when wrapping around corners and bends and wrap with duct tape. When working with fibreglass insulation, wrap the fibreglass in plastic to keep the pipes from dripping condensation. 
  4.  The easiest pipe insulation to install is tubular sleeve insulation. It comes in a variety of sizes and is the easiest to install. Simply cut the sleeve to length and wrap it around the pipe. Be sure to duct tape the seam where the pipes meet.
  5. When insulating around corners or T-joints, cut slits or make mitre angles where necessary, and secure these areas with duct tape.

Insulating cold-water pipes will prevent them from dripping condensation, and insulating hot-water pipes will prevent costly heat loss and save on energy bills. While the DIY pipe insulation is easy, leaving the pipe insulation project to a professional is sometimes a better choice for you and your family.

Mas Broto

Written by: Mas Broto

Mas Broto is a small business owner with 30 years experience in the real estate industry. He is the founder and editor of theDailyThrive.net, the most comprehensive free home improvement website on the planet!

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