How To Get Rid Of Skunks With Chocolate?

Before you decide how to get rid of skunks with chocolate from your property, you should know that you might get sprayed and make plans accordingly. Skunks are the animals that cause the most trouble when they get into homes. It’s important to know how to get rid of skunks using natural methods, especially with chocolate.

You can find the prolific and adaptable skunk almost as easily in an urban environment as in the countryside. With little to fear from predators, the voracious skunk will always go for where the food can be found. Not counting the overpowering odor created by a frightened skunk, their depredation of gardens makes getting rid of the skunks in your vicinity a needful task.

If you haven’t already made the area inhospitable to skunks, fencing the garden and blocking any openings under your house or outbuildings is an essential first step. If you have a compost heap, it will need to have a barricade built around it. This does not have to be very high, as skunks are neither good climbers nor jumpers.

Any outside trash disposal locations also have to be contained, or trash put in a metal or plastic containers with tight lids. Don’t leave pet food out at night; bird feeders need to be positioned high enough they cannot be raided by a hungry skunk.

Standard chain link fence will only keep skunks out of your yard and garden if you sink the bottom about a foot underground to prevent tunneling under the fence.

If you know skunks have moved in under your house or porch, you must wait until they leave to forage at night before closing off the entry holes they are using. You can spread chalk or flour in front of the den to see when the tracks lead away so your unwanted guest will not be trapped to die under your home.

Destroying dens or preferred habitats in the local vicinity also reduces the incidence of skunk infiltration. Be aware that a skunk’s normal range can be up to two miles from its den.

There is no scientific evidence that various skunk repellents actually work to get rid of skunks. Mothballs and predator urine sprays are ineffective, and many commercial skunk repellents are equally worthless.

Will chocolate keep skunks away?

Surprisingly, chocolate does a great job of keeping skunks away. How to get rid of skunks with chocolate?

  1. Cut the chocolate bar into pieces that are all about the same size.
  2. The next step is to find places on your property or in your house where you can hide those chocolate pieces.
  3. When skunks eat that chocolate, it gives skunks stomach problems, which makes them want to leave your property.

I’m sure you have seen skunk holes in your lawn or garden, which aren’t very nice. Skunks are born to dig holes. These small, all-food-eating mammals love to dig holes to find earthworms, insects, or roots to eat.

Since skunks are nocturnal creatures, hooking bright floodlights to a motion sensor can floodlight a trespassing skunk and make them leave your space. A sprinkler system can also be hooked to motion sensors to drive the skunk off. Some motion-activated systems use a pepper spray delivery to repel unwanted marauders in your garden.

How to catch and trap a skunk safely?

If you still have skunks after all efforts have been made to make the area inhospitable to them, you will have to begin trapping them.

A live trap that is low enough to prevent the tail from being raised is the safest for the trapper. Bait the live trap with chicken or entrails or other smelly treats and often check so that you can release any wandering cats from the trap.

Once you have a skunk in the box, cover the cage with wet towels to minimize the chances of getting sprayed. Transport the cage to an open area in the country and set the skunk free.

Contrary to some philosophy, shooting the skunks to eliminate them is not a particularly safe way to remove them. A miss or wound will frighten the skunk into spraying, and even if you hit, there is still the body to dispose of. Gunfire is also outlawed in just about every city in the country and can result in a fine if you shoot skunks in urban areas.


Do you have to deal with skunks on your property? What strategies have worked best for you? What strategies didn’t work? Is the above method on how to get rid of skunks with chocolate efficient? Tell us in the comments section below!

Author Aaron Walker

Written by: Aaron Walker

I have extensive construction knowledge and I always stay up to date on current events and new technologies and hope to share my knowledge and expertise here. I am focused on green technologies and home improvements that include green living ideas.

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