Window condensation is a common problem in many homes in cold climates. Not only is it just plain a nuisance, but it can also create a hazard to your family’s health if left unchecked. Try these handy tips to stop condensation on windows.
Simply put, moisture causes mold to grow, and if it lets go long enough, it can soon take over a room. As moisture accumulates and sets into the wood frames around your windows, the wood can begin to break down, weaken, and essentially disintegrate.
This, of course, can be very expensive to repair. Fortunately, we’ve found a few handy tips to help alleviate window condensation.
The first thing to do to stop condensation on windows is to make sure that adequate ventilation is available in your home.
You can utilize fans to make sure that the air is circulated around the room. It is also advisable to install exhaust fans in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
You may also want to ensure that there are no obstructions inside the air vents and that the windows are opened once in a while to prevent inadequate air circulation.
If you have a home with older leaky windows, this may actually be a good thing in preventing condensation. This is because the warm, moist air in your home can escape through the cracks. This isn’t an ideal situation, obviously, because your home heating efforts are literally going out the window.
An important thing to remember is that window condensation forms when the relative humidity in the room is too high for the temperature. Thus, you can either reduce the humidity inside the room or increase the temperature of the window’s surface.
You can minimize humidity inside the room by utilizing the air vent when you are washing clothes, using the dishwasher, or cooking. The air vents or exhaust fans will ensure that the moisture is sent to the outside.
You may also want to water your indoor plants by bringing them out of the room. Live plants always produce moisture, and this effect is at its peak after the plants have just been watered.
Firewood can also release moisture into the air so try to avoid keeping too much of it inside the house. It is also essential to check the insulation for the attic for any discoloration that could serve as a clue that there is too much moisture in the room.
Meanwhile, when window condensation appears, it is advisable to wipe it off using a rag. This is vital if you want to minimize the possibility of having a mold problem.
Make sure also that the rooms are heated because the warmer air is, the more humidity it would be able to contain, and this is less humidity or water that will appear as condensation on the window.
Another important strategy to stop condensation on windows is to get a dehumidifier. The size of your dehumidifier will depend on how large your room is. Before going out to shop for a dehumidifier, it is advisable to obtain the measurements of your home to ensure that you will be able to purchase a properly sized dehumidifier.
If you currently have a whole-house humidifier attached to your furnace, then you can also make sure to lower the settings on it or shut it off completely. This will cause the air flowing through your HVAC system to become much dryer which will, in turn, not produce moisture on the window surfaces.
Window condensation can become a bigger problem than it reveals on the surface. The excess moisture could lead to further damage to your home. It is essential to find the root of the problem and quickly stop condensation on windows.