Are Blistering Shingles Bad?

Blistering shingles is one of the most common signs of roof leaks you should be on the lookout for constantly. It is easy to tell when blisters form on your roof shingles. Blistering shingles leave pitted marks once the blisters pop.

Are they bad?

In this case, for you to decide whether blistering shingles are bad or not. Consider the undeniable fact that- blistering shortens the overall service life of your shingles. And this may weaken your entire roofing system.

Your roof shingles may appear okay. After all, it’s just a few blisters- right? On the contrary, you might be at serious risk of experiencing major roof damage down the line.

Major exports in the home industry space have conflicting opinions and answers to blistering shingles. Some agree they are bad, whereas others think they are not.

The few experts in the field who argue that blistering shingles are not bad to believe so because roof shingles are installed in layers. And, when the uppermost layer is damaged, the one underneath can still function properly.

While this is true, do not discount the fact that some sense of security is lost when blistering starts to happen to your roof shingles. Because you do not know the timing of the natural weathering process, you are left more vulnerable to roof leaks 24/7- all year round.

Generally, the definitive answer to this question is more conditional than straightforward.

So, are blistering shingles bad? Yes. And, No. Depending on the stage, the blistering process is in whether the blisters have popped or not.

To summarize, blistering shingles are not bad initially, but they can be bad and dangerous down the line.

When the blistering process is in its early stages, the blisters have formed, but the granules of the shingles are still intact; blistering shingles are not bad. Since your roof can still perform its function properly. In this case, the blisters may weaken your whole roof system, but they do not affect the roof’s longevity. Or even cause roof water damage.

However, blistering shingles become bad and dangerous when the blisters pop with time. Because the granules of your roof system start to dislodge easily, leaving pitted marks. This leaves you unprotected from the sun and exposed to further granule loss from natural weathering and erosion.

This is how blistering shingles put you at risk of experiencing roof leaks and roof damage 24/7 all year round.

Final Thoughts

To know what stage of the blistering process your roof is in, you’ll have to inspect your roof properly. Therefore, you must dedicate enough time to inspecting your roof thoroughly if you notice a few blisters on your shingles.

Proper roof inspection helps you determine whether the blistering on your roof shingles is already at its dangerous stage or not.

As we have seen, it is important to consume information with a pinch of salt, especially when looking for answers to whether something is good or bad, necessary or not, healthy or unhealthy.

But then again, are you in tune with your intuition? Enough for you to trust all the signals sent your way?

This means asking the question; what is the impact of blistering shingles on my wellness? If your answer to this question threatens your safety and overall wellness. Then, you know right away that they are bad for you.

Mas Broto

Written by: Mas Broto

Mas Broto is a small business owner with 30 years experience in the real estate industry. He is the founder and editor of, the most comprehensive free home improvement website on the planet!