How To Fix A Silent Toilet Leak

Are you aware that a silent toilet leak potentially wastes between 50 and 500 water gallons daily, resulting in increased water bills? Here’s what you need to know about a silent toilet leak.

Leaks from plumbing fixtures, pipes, and fittings are a major source of water waste for numerous households. While some leaks are apparent, such as leaking water heaters and dripping faucets, numerous leaks remain undetected because of an invisible source.

In addition to being inevitable, annoying, and costly, a silent leaky toilets can generate high water bills. Consequently, you must understand these facts and the resulting issues.

What’s Causing a Silent Toilet Leak?

There are 6 common causes for a leaking toilet that needs to figure out.

Leaky Supply Line

defective toilet  supply line

A defective supply line will frequently cause your toilet to leak. When the joints in your supply line wear out or become loose, they permit water seepage.

Furthermore, the rubber lining that guards against leakage may rupture or wear out. Mechanical damage of the supply line is another source of leakage.


Corrosion can occur at any section in the toilet assembly or pipes. It can arise from water impurities, age, chemical reactions or a mixture of the three.

Corrosion is perhaps the most physically destructive thing affecting your pipes and plumbing fixtures since it usually originates from within them.

Warped Flapper

Leakage arising from a warped flapper can be hard to spot and consequently develops a silent leak. Over time, the flapper will wear out, especially due to mineral accumulation on the flapper. This is because water authorities continuously add chemicals to water for purification purposes.

The cleaners you use in the toilet tank further increase chemicals in the water, causing the flapper to wear away gradually. In this case, water loss will vary depending on the degree to which the flapper wears out.

Improper Functioning of the Float

The float assembly in the tank is typically a huge plastic ball joined to a lengthy metal rod that floats in your toilet’s tank. When the float assembly stops functioning, the toilet runs incessantly and may flood.

Faulty Connections

The different toilet connections typically loosen over time. Rubber linings that ensure watertight connections also show signs of wearing out, causing leakage.

It’s best you substitute any damaged or worn out parts to avoid leakage. It’s also advisable you examine your toilet connections occasionally to ensure they’re in good condition.

Cracked tank

The tank is a huge container that allows water to flow into the bowl whenever you flush your toilet. An accidental impact on this part may cause a crack, which will result in perpetual leaking.

The toilet valve will continue replenishing water, irrespective of the broken tank, causing continuous leakage through the fractured tank. The crack may sometimes be invisible, making it harder to spot.

Effects of Leaking Toilets

You’ll find that ignoring the silent leaky toilets can have dire consequences. Here are 4 of the problems that can come from waiting to repair those toilets:

Water Bills

Leaks can cost property owners hundreds of dollars every year. A slow leak can waste an extra 450 gallons per month, equaling about an extra $5 per month. A steady leak can waste an extra 750 gallons per month, equaling about an extra $10 per month.

You can waste even more water and even more money for steadier leaks. By taking care of the silent leak as soon as you notice it, you can save yourself a lot of money.


Wherever there is water or moisture, mold and mildew aren’t far from it. You may not be able to see the mold, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t impacting your health and everyone in your building.

Some of the symptoms people experience when dealing with mold include sinus congestion, cough, sore throat, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, upper respiratory tract infections, headaches, skin and eye irritation, or asthma.

Protect your residents, employees, or companies renting the property from you by repairing the silent toilet leak and immediately treating the area for mold growth.

Property Damage

Not only can water lead to mold growth, but it can damage the structural integrity of your property. From warped floors to cracking walls, it can cost you a lot of money to repair the damage.

Water damage is the second most commonly filed insurance claim in the United States, accounting for over $5 billion each year. It’s also the second most common cause of property owner loss.

Suppose you don’t want to shell out lots of money for repairs or have your insurance premiums increase. In that case, you should catch those leaky toilets as early as possible and have them repaired right away.

Content Renters

Whether you have renters or employees on your property, you can keep them happy as you stay on top of repairs. If there is an issue, such as a leaking toilet, you can take care of it right away to show them that you care about their concerns and want to keep them happy.

You may not spend a lot of time on your property if you rent it out to others, but it’s important to stay on top of repairs when you become aware of any issues. Talk to the companies or individuals that you’re renting to and make sure that they understand the importance of reporting leaks as soon as possible.

If you have a silent toilet leak, you should hire a professional plumber to address it. They will repair some leaks and may have to replace your toilet. A leaky toilet is a problem that needs to fix immediately because leaks can cause massive property damage and cost you money in wasted water. Contact your local plumber for more information about finding and fixing a silent toilet leak.

Mas Broto

Written by: Mas Broto

Mas Broto is a small business owner with 30 years experience in the real estate industry. He is the founder and editor of, the most comprehensive free home improvement website on the planet!