5 Different Types Of Air Purifiers

It is vital to know the different types of air purifiers, so you can be sure to choose the right one for your explicit needs. Air purifying technology has developed in the last few years to better the air quality inside your home. Let’s look at the five most common types of air purifiers and what different kinds of air purifier filters do.

Basic and HEPA Filters

Basic filters work when dirty air passes through dense yet porous material like cotton, fiberglass, or foam. The material traps particulate matter while clean air is vented out the other side.

HEPA air purifiers are the most effective at trapping airborne particles.

HEPA filters are the most powerful basic filters and can catch pollutants of at least 0.3 microns in size. They are the favorite air purifier type for those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Basic filters need to be changed once they fill up with the particulate matter.

Ionizers and Ozone Generators

Ionizers and ozone generators work differently. They produce molecules that have a charge. When these charged molecules come into contact with airborne pollutants, which generally have a neutral charge, they get charged as well. That change causes them to stick to surfaces within the room rather than remain airborne.

So while this type of purifier does clean the air, it doesn’t get the pollutants out of the space. Note that some people, especially those with respiratory concerns, may find that their lungs are irritated by ozone. If that’s the case for you, try to avoid an ionic humidifier air purifier.

Electrostatic Filters

A better way of using charged particles is via an electrostatic filter. These filters also charge-neutral particles, but they trap them inside the machine.

Some electrostatic filters can even kill the active microbe and mold spores it collects. Then, you can remove the filter plate and rinse it off before reusing it.

This type of filter does produce ozone, so it might not be suitable for all people.

Activated Carbon Filters

This type of filter is often used in conjunction with other air purifying filters.

Many of the products on our list include an activated carbon filter to deal with odors more than actual particles. It works because as stinky air passes through it, the gasses that cause the smell are removed.

Using activated carbon in conjunction with another filter is a great way to increase your comfort and enjoyment of the purified air.

UV Lights

Ultraviolet lights can kill germs. Exposure will decimate microbes and even some viruses, thereby cleaning the air. It is more common to find UV lights installed in areas that tend to be damp and mold-prone than in consumer air purifiers.

However, UV lights can be a great addition to your efforts to purify the air in your home. Installing them in specific locations can reduce the number of pollutants that become airborne in the first place.

You need to consider several factors when choosing between the different types of air purifiers. It’s advisable to seek out some reviews before making a fairly substantial purchase. We hope you won’t get confused by the many air purifier types and make a smarter choice based on your needs!

Mas Broto

Written by: Mas Broto

Mas Broto is a small business owner with 30 years experience in the real estate industry. He is the founder and editor of theDailyThrive.net, the most comprehensive free home improvement website on the planet!